Good Night...

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Paralelo Longe said...

Hello dear Olga,
Books. I love the picture. Is very sweet. You know I have a big passion for books. I take care of them almost if they were babies. I ‘m always reading 4 or 5 books at the same time and wherever I go I take my books-bag with me. I have so much to read all the time that I sometimes stress myself to end up one book and start two more. Are you reading something now? I’ve been reading some of the Russians and Hemingway and, at the same time, some Portuguese authors and Brazilians. It’s crazy! Lots of love, TI

Juana said...

Hi Olga, how sweet...I like go to bed with a good book, mostly in the winter; at the moment, I am reading about Miró, since I started my dramma lessons and this year we'll make some work about paintings.
Have a wonderful week!

SkyTrail said...

Good night, Olga.
Have a happy dream. :)